Orthodontic Teeth Straightening Options When most people think of orthodontic treatments, they picture metal gear on crooked teeth. And while we still use metal bands and brackets to correct smiles of all shapes and sizes, they are not the only choice available...
What Can You Eat When You Have Braces? Planning meals and picking out snacks is a big part of our day. But when you’re wearing braces, one of the biggest changes is what you eat, and sometimes our favorite foods go out the window during orthodontic treatment....
What are the Best Braces to Straighten Teeth? Not too long ago, teeth straightening options were limited. If you had crooked teeth, you’d find yourself with a full set of metal gear to fight with for months or years. Now, the orthodontic treatment process...
4 Tips for How to Smile with Braces Do you have braces? If so, you may feel a little self-conscious about your teeth after starting treatment. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. While no one should ever be afraid to share their smile, we understand that...