Building Better Smiles with Invisalign Buttons on Teeth

Nov 14, 2023 | About Orthodontics

little girl with ceramic braces

For years, Invisalign aligners have been the #1 choice for patients wanting straight teeth with an incognito treatment plan. However, Invisalign trays have struggled to treat more complicated bite issues, and orthodontists have typically relied on traditional braces for these patients.

However, buttons and attachments for upper and lower teeth change the game for clear aligner trays. Invisalign patients can enjoy a low-profile path to a brand-new smile, even with more complex orthodontic problems at hand.

Invisalign attachments work with your clear aligners to shift teeth and create the extra force needed for more advanced tooth rotation and tooth movements. Today, we’re breaking down all you need to know about Invisalign attachments: how Invisalign attachments work, each type of Invisalign attachment, and how they’re placed for your Invisalign journey!

Your Orthodontic Treatment Process with Invisalign Attachments

Button attachments help Invisalign aligners apply more force in the correct direction to move your teeth and treat orthodontic issues. Not everyone who undergoes Invisalign treatment will require attachments, but they can be particularly useful in more complex cases where extra tooth movement is needed to get your bite in shape and accomplish alignment.

How many Invisalign attachments you need (and where) depends on your smile needs. Your Invisalign system is custom-designed for your smile, and the same is true for your attachments. In fact, some are even shaped differently! Attachments help create long-lasting smiles for patients of all ages.

Invisalign Aligners & Buttons

Rubber bands are necessary to guide the upper and lower jaws. Aligners don’t typically have this ability, but buttons give them the effective support needed for elastics. Buttons let rubber bands stretch between the attachments on the jaws so that their alignment changes over time.

woman smiling behind tropical leaf

Invisalign Aligners & Attachments

Invisalign or Smartforce attachments are tiny, tooth-colored dots made of a composite filling material that serve as an anchor point for moving teeth. Attachments click into grooves in your aligners, basically letting them grip onto your front teeth and back teeth better, like handles.

How are Attachments Placed?

Attachments are put on teeth straightforward process completed by your Invisalign doctor. A personalized Invisalign template is used apply a bonding material to certain teeth in the correct position. Then, dental composites are placed on each specific tooth and a special light is used ensure that the tiny bump hardens in place.

FAQS: Invisalign Treatment, Attachments, & You

Are Invisalign Attachments Noticeable? Good news – adding attachments is no big deal for patients worried about their looks! Each attachment is made from a composite that’s the same color as your teeth.

Do Invisalign Attachments Hurt? Aligners and attachments might feel uncomfortable at first, but applying and wearing them should be a painless experience overall.

Is it Harder to Care for Teeth with Attachments? Wearing clear aligner trays requires you to floss regularly and prevent tooth decay with frequent brushing. With attachments, you’ll have to extra care to clean food particles that might get stuck around the bumps on your teeth!

Invisalign correcting overbite